Joomla Newsbox Module

For those who use the famous CMS Joomla, and want to have a news portal site… let’s say, like or then you can use this module. In fact, I bought ijoomla news portal from but I was not satisfied because of the missing JoomFish Support with their component. Joomfish is the multilingual support for Joomla. So if you have a multilingual site then you cannot use ijoomla news portal.

How to use it?

Since this module change the look of your frontpage, you don’t need to care about the feature displaying contents (or not) in Joomla any more. You just need to use this module. So the first thing to do is to uncheck all contents from displaying in frontpage.

You can then install the module as usual and set it up in one of the positions you have in your homepage. You have some parameters to set, for example the Section ID or the Category ID. To create another module in another position, you can copy the module, rename it according to your need and set it up. You can then have many modules in your homepage.

If you want to add thumbnails to the articles, then activate it fist in the module setting. Then for each article, attach an image like if you are to add a mosimage… but don’t insert it in the text. Click the image here to show how.

What remains is to set up your CSS. Since each module has its own class suffix, you can easily customize them. You can hire me to spend some time create yours if you really need to. I will in the future put some predefined CSS here when I have time.

Who use it?

Some sites using this module:


Change log

  • Version 1.0.1 (05-Oct-2007)
  • Version 1.0.0 (24-Aug-2007)
    • First news can be now different from the others as requested by Vision here
      The first box is defined also with the class “first” so you can add CSS to it.
    • Another option added, showing date or not as requested by Daniel by email
  • Beta 0.9.11 (28-July-2007)
    • Fix Itemid. That fixes the problem reported by Wayner here
    • Adding Category link as requested by Manuel here
  • Beta 0.9.10 (16-May-2007)
    • Fix publishing date.
  • Beta 0.9.9 (11-May-2007)
    • Small bug fixed in displaying image
  • Beta 0.9.8 (10-May-2007)
    • Image can now be displayed outside of the text box.
      it can be then aligned with the title.
  • Beta 0.9.7 (03-Apr-2007)
    • Support multiple categories. Separate categories with comma.
  • Beta 0.9.6 (30-Mar-2007)
    • No new features. I just removed the function that created problem for some and put its content into the module.
  • Beta 0.9.5 (26-Mar-2007)
    • Adding article order (Articles can be ordered by Date descending or by Ordering… which was the default). I think Date ordering is necessary when you want to get contents from one section but different categories.
  • Beta 0.9.4 (26-Mar-2007)
    • Adding mosimage support (See notes below)
  • Beta 0.9.1 (22-Mar-2007)
    • Beta public release

Some notes

  1. To add the images to the module, you have first to activate the option “Use image”
    Then for the article, you can choose an image in the mosimage control. The first image will be directly linked to the article.
    Then it can be displayed using CSS like this

    .newsbox img {
    float: left;
    width: 100px;
    padding: 2px;
    margin: 3px;

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